Saturday, June 11, 2011

my COMpassion...the unpublished me

     I was born normally like everybody else, raised and instilled the learnings of a typical Filipino individual. Loved and adored by people whom I find the shelter every child needs. My life is basically wonderful. And with every step I made, I’m off to do history. I’ve got all the support I need. Problems weren’t really the dilemma that hinders my journey. I always saw the positive aspect in them. They’re my vitamins, my stimulant, my breathe of life. I was never been so contented with life. At the age of 6, I wasn’t satisfied with only a toy to keep me company. I always find my happiness with the littlest thing that keeps me busy. I always did the ‘scratches on the sand’ (writing stuff on the soil) and with the murals I did, I see them as the pieces of puzzle that fills the ‘perfect’ picture of my life.
     But things turned the other way around. Instead of fulfilling my dream of becoming an artist behind the canvas I chose to be a bringer of vitality, the epitome of life. But the road ahead is not as easy as it is being said. Fitting with reality is like walking barefooted. I have to face the rough roads of medical school, like a broken glass that sinks into your sole and thorns that bury its sharpness trying to tear the souls of the weakened. Of every road, there is a concrete path waiting to ease the pain, but as the pressure of walking increases so as the burying of the shattered pieces. It happens to you, it happens to me and to everybody else. But whatever we are working with, what lies ahead is more important. And as the wounds trying to heal, so is my heart and desire of becoming somebody I am destined to be. I’ve seen the scenes on the best 4 years of my pre-med life and lived the finest 4 years of my medical days. Now, I’m facing my final course, a humble abode they called the department of family medicine. My golden ticket to everlasting deliverance.
      Days flew by, people come and go. And I’m standing now in a strange place I called my final course. I had to build a life.  I had to paint my destiny with new colors I’m facing in. With the new salvation I am being comforted. I face a lot of struggles I had never imagined existing. And it molded me to be prepared to whatever will be. “Chances always favor the prepared mind”. I’ll take my chances and will never be scorned by the verdicts I will encounter.

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